what must I know before I choose to Take a career in Aerospace Engineering?


The longer the time you spend in the industry the better you'll truly understand the big picture.

What do I mean by this ?

You'll likely study Aerodynamics, Flight Dynamics, Stress Analysis and other key subject matter areas. You'll then enter the work force or go on to further post grad education where you will specialize but it will be only after Some years in the industry, having been exposed to many different programs in many different roles and having worked with many other people, who are subject matter experts in their own right, in fields other than yours, do you gain the wide insight into how every design decision may or may not affect other characteristics of an aerospace vehicle.

After 10 years in the industry, I still haven't yet gained that level of insight and I constantly enjoy learning just a little bit more each and every day.

What should you know before you join the ranks ?

(1) - You should be comfortable with exercising the highest level of attention to detail.

(2) - You will have to work to tight schedules without compromising your high level of attention to detail.

(3) - Safety always comes first in the Profession, let no one convince you of otherwise, they won't be by your side defending your actions should your choices, under their instruction, lead to a breech of safety or worse yet, loss of life.

(4) - whenever in doubt, refer to (3) above.

(5) - it will be your duty to nurture the next generation of Aerospace Engineers just as it will be the duty of the current generation to nurture you. Respect them and learn from them as you progress and develop and be prepared to offer your insight to others when the time comes.

Finally, as told to me by my former teacher, Eng. Aketch Samson when I began my training at kenya Aeronautical College, 

"Zero information is better than wrong information, so if you don't know, say you don't know, don't ever try to make stuff up"

lastly, u need to train with a renowned and good college or university.  Kenya aeronautical college has trained aeronautical and aerospace engineers working in different airlines globally. Kenya aeronautical college in collaboration with Shenyang aerospace university is offering a bachelors degree in aerospace engineering.  under this program, candidates study for first and second year at the college and then move to Shenyang aerospace university for third and fourth year. upon successful completion, they are awarded with a bachelors degree by the Shenyang Aerospace university.-I'm a beneficially of the program, join them


call/WhatsApp. +254708374257 (admissions office)


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