
  The significance of taking the B1B2 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers' license program course The Kenya aeronautical college, in collaboration with the Airtec Bildung school in Germany is offering the b1b2 license program course Airtec Bildung is a school approved according to EASA Part 147 and offers the complete EASA Part 66 basic courses for the categories CAT A1, A2, A3, A4, B1.1, B1.2, B1.3 and B1.4,  The B1/B2 license program is significant for several reasons, particularly for individuals aspiring to work in aircraft maintenance. Here are some key points highlighting its importance: 1.      Career Opportunities : Obtaining a B1/B2 license opens up a wide range of job opportunities in the aviation industry. Licensed engineers are in demand for roles involving aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul. 2.      Skill Validation : The license serves as a formal validation of your skills and knowledge in aircraft maintenance, ensuring that you meet industry standards.

Benefits of taking the cabin crew/flight attendant course

  Taking a cabin crew course can be beneficial for several reasons Professional Training: These courses provide comprehensive training on various aspects of cabin crew duties, including safety procedures, emergency protocols, customer service skills, and cultural sensitivity. This training ensures that you are well-prepared for the demands of the job. Career Opportunities: Completing a cabin crew course enhances your qualifications and increases your chances of securing a job with an airline. Many airlines prefer candidates who have undergone formal training as it demonstrates a commitment to the profession and ensures a certain level of competence.   Personal Development: Cabin crew courses often include modules on communication skills, conflict resolution, and teamwork, which are valuable skills not only for the aviation industry but for any profession. You'll also develop cultural awareness and interpersonal skills through interactions with diverse groups of passengers.  

why are pilots so proud?

Flying airplanes is not everyone's cup of tea. Flying tends to attract people who are more type ‘A' personalities due to the nature of the career choice. Pilots go through a very rigorous training process, followed by years of personal and career development. Most airline pilots are very regimented and have a high level of self confidence due to the fact that they have worked diligently to develop a high standard of performance that the job requires. Most pilots are rightfully proud of their achievements and career accomplishments. By the time an individual becomes an airline pilot, he or she has also most likely become a very professional individual as well. Again, this is the requirement of an aviation career. Many non-pilot types often confuse assertiveness and self-confidence with a big ego when just the opposite is true! In fact, ‘ego' is considered in aviation as contributing to one of the five hazardous attitudes pilots strive to avoid. Most of my colleagues are effe

what do flight dispatchers really do in airline?

  Flight dispatcher (also known as an airline dispatcher, flight follower or flight operations officer) assists in planning flight paths, taking into account aircraft performance and loading, en-route winds, thunderstorm and turbulence forecasts, airspace restrictions, and airport conditions. Dispatchers also provide a flight following service and advise pilots if conditions change. They usually work in the operations centre of the airline. They examine the mechanics' reports to make certain that the required maintenance has been completed They accomplish the load planning, weather, and fuel planning, air traffic control considerations, security compliance for the flight, routing, and they file the flight plan with the Civil aviation Authority. Dispatchers then prepare a "release" and release the flight to the Captain. flight operations course stands out to be one of the most marketable aviation courses globally!!! would you love to take on the responsibility, train with

Is it a good option to take a course in aviation?

 Is it a good option to do a course in aviation from KAC (Kenya Aeronautical College)? I would like to work as an Aeronautical Engineer, flight cabin crew, or a pilot  Yes it is Choosing a career after completing your high school graduation seems a hard nut to crack to everyone. While making a decision to go for a particular field, it is also important to look for its current and expected growth in the future. Aviation is one such growing industry. Now, you might have few questions in your mind! What are the career prospects in Aviation Industry? What is the scope of aviation courses? Will you be able to earn good after the completion of the course? Below mentioned are all the necessary details related to pursuing courses in this field if you have a passion for the aviation industry: Scope: The aviation industry is providing more than 23.5 million jobs every year. . Trends clearly show that aviation is one of the fastest growing industries and has seen tremendous progress in the last d

Do they consider a little spot in a cabin crew interview

In this modern era when the meaning of beauty has changed , it’s just not about the appearance but also about the personality. These days cabin crew industries focus on hiring graceful personalities rather than hiring beautiful faces. If they see the charisma in your personality, passion for helping and serving people and as well as an approachable face , trust me nothing else can stop you from getting that job. A little spot on your face or your body can do nothing but put your morale and enthusiasm down and if you really can’t do anything about your spot then don’t waste your time on it . Focus on your interview preparation which can make difference in your interview. All the best Scars are beautiful. join kenya aeronautical college for the best training in the region, intake in progress, call or whatsapp . 0708 374257 +254708374257

what a senior pilot has to say about the flying career!!! #pilot training

  a question and answer session with one of the senior pilots  that will help the outside world understand what the  flying career feels like and answers many questions that someone out there might have asked themselves way back. without wasting time, we shall go straight through the interview, What type of plane do you fly?  ANS: Cessna 172, Bell 206, Bell 205 and Bell 412 (the last 3 are Helicopters) I am currently active on Helicopter  How long have you been flying?   ANS: 5 years  How do you choose which type of plane to fly…Is this done at school or depends on the company you finally work for?  ANS: The company chooses and trains you. Others you do a short conversion courses  What is the most important thing a pilot is thinking about while flying a plane?  ANS: Comfort and safety of the passengers  What is a flight plan and what do you consider while making one?  ANS: A flight plan gives the idea of your intentions, and you consider speed of aircraft, consumption, flight levels, a